Season: Monash Centre for Theatre and Performance (Sep 2018)
“Be careful how you interpret the world; it’s like that.” – Erich Heller
A celebration of compassion and hope and the stuff that makes the world all right. All That is Right responds to acclaimed Belgian theatre company Ontroerend Goed’s All That Is Wrong. Presented as part of the Melbourne International Arts Festival in 2013, All That Is Wrong created a devastating picture of all that is wrong in the world.
All That is Right is the other half of the story - a counter-balance to the negativity bias of modern media and the idea the world has gone to the dogs. Because if we see and believe only the bad, what kind of life are we living? And how will we ever get the energy to do anything good?
Directors note: One of the main impetuses for making this show came from the warning of psychotherapist Philippa Perry: "If you do not know how to draw positive meaning from what happens in life, the neural pathways you need to appreciate good news will never fire up." It's a sobering thought. In making this show, we went a small way to rewiring our own neural pathways to let in the good. As we discussed in rehearsal, this does not mean ignoring or obliterating the bad. But in a world in which we are bombarded with the wrong and the bad, it seems to require a conscious and concerted effort to let in the right. To carve out a little space for hope. And, if Perry is right, this is important - otherwise we will lose our ability to find the good entirely.
We decided to focus on imagining a future that is right because if change starts first in the imagination then envisaging a right world is the first step to creating it. We quickly found out that it is much easier to say what you don't want in a right world, than what you do. But the latter is our job. It's not enough to point out the wrong, or to complain. We have to know what we're fighting for.
This show was a lot of fun to make and, as you will soon see, involved a lot of dancing! But it wasn't always easy or comfortable. Generating masses of content about what is right sometimes showed up how far we are from it. When someone says: "when everything is right there will be no sexual harassment" they are also saying that sexual harassment exists. We wish for it because it isn't yet reality. It also shed light on our biases, showed up contradictions in our thought, gaps in knowledge, and how much easier it is to talk about race relations and politics in the US than it is to talk about race relations and politics at home...
And of course what is 'right' is not universal, as Turquoise points out in the show. These are the beliefs of a small group of people - all female, all in their 20s, all university educated.
Ultimately I hope that this is a work of protest. Surely hope and joy are more effective than despair and defeatism in getting us to feel that this world is ours, and what we do matters.
Thanks to the amazing cast, creatives and crew for their commitment and kindness and to Monash for giving us the opportunity to make this together.
Created by: Morgan Rose Aldrich & Prue Clark together with Monash students
Designer and co-creator: Nathan Burmeister
Cast: Kimberley Albert-Bailey, Angela Duncan, Molly Forshaw, Gabriella Heathcote, Turquoise Monnoyeur, Beth Raywood-Cross, Abigail Tonis and Stella Webster.
Production Manager: Sophie Ashkanasy
Assistant Production Manager: Kathleen Kiddell
Producer: Fleur Kilpatrick